Tuesday, November 6, 2007


For the first time in more than a decade I see snow, yeap is just frozen water but it brings this nice feeling to everyones life and a nice bright touch to the city.

I was there on my seat inside the airplane when all of the sudden I saw something white through the window and then again some other piece of white land, I wasn't expecting snow on this time of the year (or ever according to my previous experience) so my first impression is that the place was really weird, then the airplane was flying lower and lower and I realized that everything was covered with snow.

Right now we have something between -1 and -5 degrees and I am glad to tell that I am not the only one feeling cold here, my roommates also thinks this is cold and they are Europeans.

I am just trying to get used to this because it is just starting, the real cold weather comes in February and then we'll have -25 degrees. First 15 was cold, then 10, then 5, now I miss the 5 degrees weather because at least you go for a walk without feeling pain :P

But as I told you before, I am happy here enjoying all the experiences and I am pretty sure I won't forget this one...

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