Monday, November 12, 2007

Snow and a life between ice...

So the snow is here and it is for a loooooooooooooooong time.

The city is white and the temperature is getting lower and lower and now my way to the office is under snowing skies and I come back home under dark but also snowing skies and I feel like a kid enjoying everything ;)

I have reached the point in which -2 degrees is not coooooooooooold anymore and I will read this post in two or three months and I'll remember the good warm -2 degrees days. Today they told me in the office that this is the perfect time to have snow fights and snowmans cause below -5 the snow is frozen and it will look like sand, so I expect to have some snowman made by me soon and of course you will know about it.

It's funny now before going out I putt on my usual Caribbean clothes and then I start to build a shelter on top of it, starting with the priceless magical winter jacket, gloves made of wool or something different than leather because I don't want to take the skin of a poor animal to feel warm, scarf (actually I don't have this one but I'm pretty I will need soon), a hat because you can lose 70% of body heat through the head (thanks for the tip Asia ;) ) and my Rambo boots which I bought in Venezuela to do some hiking but never had the chance to really use them until now, and after all that preparation I can go out for walk a fall down on the street completely protected from the cold weather :P

On my way to Raatuse (home) while walking down the bridge I almost fell down because there was ice on the floor, I ended up skying down the bridge because it seemed more safe and funnier than doing it really slow :P and then I wondered how a poor old lady can walk through these places without getting hurt and the fact is that a lot of them break their legs or hips on winter.

You know, some people are afraid of spiders others of snakes and others of heights, well in my case is breaking something in my body. Why? well I used to play basketball everyday (literally) and I broke one finger (I needed surgery for that one and still is not working very well) and sprained badly both ankles several times, and each one of them created some psychological damage on me.

I am pretty sure I will fall sooner or later, so I will focus on doing it nicely, that means without breaking anything that's attached to my body, anyway I'll keep you posted ;)


NANDO said...

epale luis! bueno al menos lo bueno del frio es que ahora les parece divertido y es algo nuevo jejejeje pero igual cuidate y ten siempre presente usar la ropa adecuada. es terrible los cambios de clima que se sufren por esas latitudes, aqui uno se queja por tener siempre calor pero al parecer es mejor asi que los cambios climaticos... bueno hermano un abrazo y saludos y que sigan los exitos!!!

Unknown said...

Epale Luis que tal ...por lo que leo la nieve llego temprano, bueno es Estonia ... asi que no debe ser raro. Y sip creo que en Enero, -5 sera "fresco" para ti, ya veras... ya por debajo de -10 comienzan a doler los huesos ...Recuerdo mi fin mas extremo en Polonia, -25 ( Coño no se lo deseo a nadie ) de paso tuve que salir a comer, porque no tenia ni pan duro en la residencia y llevar mi novia a PKP...Creo que lo peor es la mezcla de oscuridad mas frio, es muy probable que pasen unas 2 o 3 semanas seguidas sin ver el sol ... Alli fue que entendi el porque los europeos se vuelven locos en verano, entendi lo afortunado que uno ha sido en Venezuela en no tener que afrontar climas extremos. Saludos y exitos chamo. Marwin.

PD: Otro evento particular es cuando en invierno abre el sol, uno le da la impresion (desde el cuarto con calefaccion) de que podria ser calido ... jejeje pero no es asi. Es una vaina surreal.