Sunday, October 14, 2007

Visit to Tallinn

This weekend I took my new jacket and my bag and went to the capital of Estonia... Tallinn, Kike (Carlos Botero), an AIESECer from Caracas was waiting for me there. He has been living in that city more than one year and was one of my first contacts with this country when I was applying for internship a few months ago, now after many months talking through Skype, finally got the chance to meet him.

Traveling through Estonia as I told you in previous post is pretty fast, taking a bus from Tartu to Tallinn takes 2 hours, that makes it really appropriate if you need to go buying some weird stuff or just having fun in a different place every weekend.

I arrived at 2pm and as soon as I was out the bus I felt the big amount of Russians that live there, plus you can also feel the diversity in the city with people from Asia, South America and Europe everywhere, and of course many malls and a lot of movement in the streets.

Something that amaze me from Tartu and now also from Tallinn is that, even though these cities are small, I mean only 100.000 and 400.000 people each one of them, you can see people and cars moving everyday at every moment like in a big city.

Tallinn surprise me with its size, the Old Town is beautiful and I also had the chance to eat in a restaurant there, in this place we watched Estonia playing against England for the Euro cup qualifications, but they suck really bad playing football and the whole country knows it, but at least means that I can watch some good teams playing here. There are also many concerts here like Aerosmith, Elton John and Apocalyptica to name a few.

Besides Kike, in this walk through the Old Town we also met Gabriel (Bolivia), Kaida (Estonia), Peter (Russia) and Breno (Brasil) who is living in the same apartment as Kike. Gabo and Kike have been living here one and two years respectively so they almost feel Estonians and they a lot of experience in how to survive the minus twenty five winter here.

After a nice Estonian breakfast and a quick look to an outdoor marketplace, that remind me the "Avenida 20" in Barquisimeto, we went to Kikes office in Skype, yeap the main Skype office in the world and of course it is exactly what I was expecting, they gave us free headphones and stickers on the entrance, a very modern, clean and clear decoration, a lot of entertainment to boost your creativity, for example a Sauna, pool table, Wii and of course flat TVs and the opportunity to call wherever you want in the world for free. Nice way to keep you happy in an office with forty different nationalities.

Unfortunately my time there was about to finish and didn't have the chance to visit more places, but since it is just two hours away I am pretty sure I'll be back soon ;)

I putted the pictures here...

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