Friday, October 19, 2007

KFC secret ingredient: Cruelty!!!

I used to eat a lot in KFC when I was working in Caracas, it was the only place to go while working in a zone full of factories, but I will put KFC in the list with Snickers, Twix and Mars and now I can say I WON'T EAT KFC FOOD ANYMORE!!

And if you want to know why I took this decision please read the following email that PETA sent me and take a look at the video on the following link:

Dear Luis,

When the ghosts and goblins stop by your house this Halloween, why not leave them with a lasting impression about KFC? Carve pumpkins that illuminate the words "Boycott KFC" for the large crowds to see, or dress up as a chicken with a "Broken Wings and Legs" sign. If you'll be busy giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, why not hand out "Evil Colonel Sanders" or "I Am Not a Nugget" stickers along with a delicious vegan treat? If dressing up or trick-or-treating isn't your style, there are many other things you can do this Halloween to get the word out about KFC's cruelty to chickens.

Share Pam Anderson's KFC exposé so that people can see the horrors endured by chickens raised and killed for KFC's buckets. E-mail friends and family members to ask them to check out and stop supporting the gruesome torture of chickens.

And remember this:

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing...

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